RAM-5000 (RAM-10000)
 Complete advanced measure-
 ment system designed to sati-
 sfy the needs of the acoustic  researcher in materials scien-
 ce or advanced NDE.
 RAM-5000 3C
 Complete advanced measure- 
 ment system with 3 channels.  The application is on-line
 inspection system for ultrasonics
 or EMAT.
 RAM-5000 SNAP
 The first commercially available
 state-of-the-art ultrasonic 
 instrument designed specifically 
 for the study of non-linear
 RAM-5000 NQR 
 High power acoustic measure-
 ment system for ultrasonic
 spectrometerby Nuclear
 Quadropole Resonance.
 High power acoustic measure-
 ment system for multi-channel
 EMAT inspection. It is available
 with 4 or 8 channels.. 
 SP-801 & BR-640 
 SP-801 is a Square wave pulser
 and BR-640 is a Broad band
 receiver. They are used for high
 power pulse and high sensitivity
 receive in ultrasonics.
 RAM system peripherals
 This site introduces peripherals
 supplied with Ritec's system or
 other components manufactur-
 ed by Ritec. Click to see detailed
 General Informations
 This site introduces general
 informations including the
 applications of Ritec's system.
 See the titles of related papers,
 FAQ and other links.